Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Guess Who's a Canine Good Citizen????

When we got to my Gilroy class tonight (we missed last week) Janet had to fill out paperwork for me to take my CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test, which was being given to my whole class.  Janet said it was a good thing she didn't know in advance, or she would have been a nervous wreck.

We figured it would be a good opportunity for us to find out what we needed to focus on so we'd be ready the next time the test was given.  But guess what?  I PASSED FIRST TIME AROUND, AND WITH FLYING COLORS!

Janet's so proud of me that she won't shut up.  She's told Mr. Bill and called Scott on the phone.  Then she told me I had to update my blog and share.  Frankly, I'm just glad I have soft blankies in my crate in the house.  I've scooched and wadded and piled them up so I can sleep soundly and warm all night long.  AAAAhhhhhhhh.......nighty-night!


  1. How exciting! You BOTH deserve lots of hugs and treats for your hard work. Congratulations!!

  2. Okay, where is the jumping up and down Happy Emoticon?
    Clover you are truly amazing and so is Janet. It good working team to accomplish CGC.
    I can't wait to tell Petrie.

  3. YAY! Congratulations you Good Canine Citizen, you!!!
