Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bone Jour!

Janet asked Bill to get me a bone from the butcher, and he brought me THIS.  

We didn't expect a mastadon femur!  My eyes got HUGE when I saw it----the first night, I was so excited that Janet had to take it out of the kennel so I would eat my dinner.  At first I couldn't figure out how to pick it up.  I spent a couple of days getting the physics right so I could move it around easily.  Even though Janet now latches my kennel door whenever I'm not inside, I like to hide this FABULOUS bone by wrapping it up in my blanket.  I don't want some darn cat coming in and sniffing at it and getting cat-cooties all over it.  I've now learned that "Meaty Bones" biscuits are not the real thing.....they're OK, but my horizons have definitely been widened.

It's gotten cold here, and I don't like it.  Even though it's inside, I hate sitting on cold concrete in my Wednesday-night class---and lying down is even worse!  I've been spending some of my daytime at home in my sleeping crate inside the house.  Boring, but at least it's warmer.  When it's wet I don't even want to go for a walk.  I've always turned my nose up at these dogs I see in sweaters and boots.....but maybe I'm secretly a little envious?

So the really big news (even bigger than my bone) is that I have now been to a dog park!  Bernie and Bosco and Janet and I had been to the one in Gilroy one day, but we were the only ones there.  It was still hot, and we didn't feel like playing on gravel.  But last week we went to the Morgan Hill dog park and it's all grassy (and you know how much I love grass) and there were a bunch of other friendly dogs and owners who made me feel like I could trust them.  So Janet let me off my leash, and we dogs ran and played and jumped on each other like a pack, and had GREAT fun!  Unlike Bosco, who acted like he'd never met Bernie before in his life, I checked in with Janet a few times and laid down in front of the bench to observe everyone else's behaviour.  Janet says if it doesn't rain that we're going back again on Friday, so I'm looking forward to running with the pack again.  And by the way, Amelia, I wasn't BOSSY at all!

Janet's making me work on down-stay and sit-stay forEVER.  She says I have to be able to do that for my Canine Good Citizen test.  I already know I'm a good citizen, but apparently I have to prove it....sigh......

Bone?  What bone??

Oh, LOOK!  Here's my bone!
I wonder who wrapped it up in my blanket???


  1. Oh, I'm so proud that you are working on your CGC. Your cousin Cheyenne was a CGC and we know the hard work and dedication involved! And being such a good pack member, it's no wonder you got such a lovely bone. Hello indeed! Now Howl is jealous and would like to know who is your butcher! xoxo

  2. My goodness, what a week of incredible adventures this has been!

  3. Petrie said his one eye almost popped out when he saw that bone. It's bigger than he is.
    He is also very excited about your CGC and can't wait for you to be a member of the CGC club.
