Monday, July 25, 2011

My Nickname and how I earned it

I have a nickname, given to me by Janet's son Scott.  I'm now known as "The Wrecking Ball".

On Thursday Janet had me jump in the car.  She took me to Scott and Megan's.  When we arrived, Khepri and I were being a little scrappy with each other.  Since Khepri can't see she has trouble with visual boundaries and I'm still figuring everything out with regard to other dogs.  So as a precaution, all three of us dogs had to go to PetSmart and get MUZZLES!  Muzzles suck.  I stayed at their house until Sunday night.  Whenever I went outside my crate and Khepri and Oliver were out, we all had to wear our muzzles just to make sure we didn't get into any trouble.  At least I wasn't the only one.....did I mention that muzzles suck?

I didn't like the idea of Janet leaving me behind, even though she promised it was just for a couple of days while she and Bill went to L.A.  I whined and cried and carried on for a little while.  Scott and Megan were nice to me and took me for walks with their dogs, but I didn't like being in another new place so soon after Janet took me to my new home.  I thought I was never going to see her or my nice big kennel and my new bed again.  Then Sunday night there was a knock on the door and Megan put Oliver and Khepri in the bedroom.  She opened the door just a tiny little bit, and GUESS WHO I SNIFFED WAS THERE??????

I pushed Megan out of the way and pushed the door open with my whole entire body and jumped on Janet and ran down the steps and down the sidewalk (she was hollering at me to "come here this instant" but I was too excited to pay any attention to her) and then I ran back UP the sidewalk and Janet got this very funny look on her face as I raced as fast as I could right up to her with all 65 pounds of me LAUNCHING itself into the air at her!!!!  Then I ran into the house and knocked over a fan and broke that, then a I ran into the back yard and ran around and around and around and around and then I came back and launched myself at Janet again and then I ran around and around and around some more while I knocked over some of the yard furniture.  That's when Megan told Janet about my new nickname that Scott had given me over the weekend.  I had already earned it!


  1. I'll try to remember to bring my pads and helmet when I come visit ;-)

  2. Oh Clover, you are so funny. Momma Janet, you know how much she loves you!!! Clover you be a good girl so you don't have to wear that muzzle. I can just imagine that 65 pounds 'launching'!!!! Entirely too funny. What a wonderful thing you have done Janet, Clover loves you so much! Biggest hugs to you all!
    Love, Auntie Ferne

  3. It sounds like you are a VERY ENTHUSIASTIC communicator, Clover. What an interesting change from the catitude that was most prevalent at Bill and Janet's until you arrived. I can't wait to meet you!

  4. Clover....Mike has found his forever home and is living in Danville as of TODAY!!!! Just thought you'd want to know your boyfriend is ok! He has kids and everything! Love you, Auntie Ferne
