Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm a STAR!

Janet found a spot in the park this week where it's fenced on three sides, so she feels pretty comfortable letting me off-leash.  When we're there she throws my Squeaky Kong or my green ball for me to fetch, or we play with the flirt-pole Bill made for me.  Hopefully someone will be able to take video of me playing soon, because I'm a fantastic acrobat----especially for such a "substantial" girl!

Today was my first day back in Bad Rap class since I got adopted.  I was a little nervous at first because I haven't been around this many dogs recently.  But I guess all those walks and micro-lessons with Janet during the last two weeks must paid off, cuz Donyale said I was MOST IMPROVED in the whole class!!  I did a beeeeyoooteeeful wedding march (as long as Janet had a treat in her hand, even if I didn't get to eat it right away); sat nicely (ditto); made eye contact (ditto); and did a down-stay that lasted for over five minutes!  Donyale's my new BFF, because first she told me I did amazingly well, and then she told Janet I needed to have more treats when we were working on stay.  YESSSSSS!

I stopped by the shelter to visit Amelia for hugs.  Tim came out to see me too, and I climbed right up on his shoulders and hugged him and licked him all over----I was so glad to see them both!  Then I stopped kissing Tim and made it clear that he and Janet needed to stop talking because it was time for me to get in the car.  I really didn't want to stay at the shelter any was nice to visit everyone, but I was ready to go HOME!


  1. Woo Hoo Clover!!! Of course you are THE BEST!!!! I wish I would have been able to see you today! Now be careful, not too many treats!!! I'm so happy that you were able to see everyone and give them kisses. But you know that the real kisses belong to Momma Janet. Big hugs and smooches, love Auntie Ferne

  2. I'm so glad you insisted that Momma Janet let me know you'd updated your blog, Clover. It's fun to read about your adventures in your new home and about your visit to Bad Rap. I can't wait to meet you!

  3. Wow Clover, it is amazing how fast you are learning. You are a very smart dog, with an wonderful and smart owner. : )
