Monday, September 12, 2011

Two-month Anniversary

I've been out of the shelter and living in Gilroy for two months!

Besides my Bad Rap Pit Ed classes in Berkeley, I've started going to school once a week in Gilroy.  The rules are the same, but the dogs are very different.  For instance, last week I met Abby.  I didn't think she was a dog because in my experience, dogs have big shovel-heads and stocky bodies or they have lots of hair and tall pointy ears and bushy tails.  Abby doesn't fit either of those descriptions; Janet says it's because she's a greyhound.  We kept looking and looking and sniffing and sniffing each other----she was just as curious about me as I was about her.  I guess she's never been around a dog that looked like me, either!

My friend Trudi who is going to walk me if Bill and Janet are gone was in our class with a black lab puppy who wanted very much to play with me and Janet.  I don't like Janet talking to other dogs, so I have to jump on her if she pets someone else to make sure she keeps loving me best.  But I think I will eventually learn to like other dogs besides my best friend Bosco.  I even wagged my tail the whole time we were in class on Wednesday so everyone there would know how friendly I am!!  A few of the people still didn't believe me, and they kept their dogs far, far away.  Janet says I just have to be the most well-behaved dog in class so they'll respect me even if they never learn to like me.

Janet hasn't been lettng me play off-leash because I decided last week while we were working with the flirt-pole that I didn't have to come back to her when she called.  So right now we're just going on walks and practicing all our walking lessons.  I miss chasing my Squeaky Kong in the park, but since I chewed it up I can't play with it anyway.  Janet has been spending a lot of time on the computer reseaching dog toys, and she got me a black Super-Kong.  I like chewing it, but it doesn't squeak.  I DO miss that squeak...

Speaking of squeaks, when we were out in the garden the other day, I saw a rat eating berries off the vine growing on the gazebo!!!  I pulled my leash right out of Janet's hand and chased the rat, but it went through a tiny hole and under the fence.  Ever since, whenever I'm in the garden I keep my eyes glued to the spot where I saw it, just in case I see it again.  While she's brushing me in the morning under the gazebo, I sniff around and tell Janet about everywhere the rat's been the night before.  It likes to sit in her chair and eat berries and climb up and down the vine's trunk and walk across the wall.  Janet won't let me chase it because she says I do too much damage in the garden (remember my nickname, "Wrecking Ball"?)  But do I REALLY look like I would do any damage???  Don't you think I just look like the mellowest pibble ever???


  1. Oooh, a ratter! (singing) Clover has a job! Clover has a job!! (/singing)

  2. You do look mellow, Clover, but we have to trust Momma Janet to know best. It's her job!

  3. Oh Clover!!!! You are such a nut! I can't believe it has been 2 months already. You are such a lucky girl to have your mom and dad love you and work with you so much. You are going to be the BEST PITTIE in the world...oh excuse me, you already are the BEST!!!! Since the squeaky kong is gone, maybe your auntie can find you something to take its place...I love you Clover, you be a good girl and do what Momma Janet says! Love, Auntie Ferne

  4. Hey Clover - Maybe you should tell your mom to think about getting you a training rope/leash. That way you still have room to play a game of catch without the worry of running away. Tell her they sell them in most pet stores!
