Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week Three Musings

Bad Rap class on Saturday was with Donna, who put treats on both sides of the wedding-march cones and made us walk past them without eating or even sniffing the treats.  Then she picked up the treats (without sharing!) and we dogs had to walk around the cones really close to each other without talking or being sharky---even me and Joey.  It seemed like all I heard for a whole hour was "Leave it!"

"Leave it" is definitely in the running for my least-favorite command----right up there with "Stay!"  Sniffing another dog?  "Leave it!"  Sneaking a treat off the ground?  "Leave it!"  Chewing on something tasty, but unauthorized?  "Leave it!"  Making noise?  "Leave it!"  In my head I'm writing a song I call "I Wanna Leave 'Leave It' Behind!!"  Maybe Scott's band The Dejenerates can record it and make copies for all the other Bad Rap dogs.  I think there's a niche market out there......

Twice last week Janet and I went for walks with her friend Bernie.  Bernie's dog is a big, handsome German Shepherd named Bosco.  Our first walk was in my neighborhood and through the park, which was a new experience for Bosco.  Our second walk was in his territory, out in the country with lots of interesting smells and birds and deer and a neighbor who walked out of the bushes and had to be barked at a little, because Janet might have needed my protection.  (After we were all properly introduced he turned out to be OK.)  Bosco seemed really pleased to see me on our second date, but I've learned not to jump into a relationship so fast.  I've been burned before, and this time I'm playing hard-to-get.

At home, I have assigned myself a job.  When Janet and I first started walking around the garden on my leash, I noticed she would find snails on the ground and pick them up.  Then she'd throw them in the fish pond for the koi to eat.  Now I find them for her and point them out---then Janet tells me how wonderful I am.  I'm HELPING!

This video is me with my Squeaky Kong.  I LOVE doing zoomies with it and chewing on it.  I hate letting go of it, even though letting go means I get to chase it again.  It's a dilemma......


  1. Clover, it was SO nice to meet you on Saturday. I think you are the worlds only dog who "points" snails. That makes you truly one-of-kind!

  2. Oh Clover...such a treat to hear all of the WONDERFUL things you are doing, seeing, and smelling. You are the BEST girl anyone could be with. I LOVE your video of the squeaky kong, this made me cry. I will see you very very soon....Biggest hugs and smooches....love, Auntie Ferne
