Sunday, August 28, 2011

Called Up!

When we lined up for Bad Rap class today, Donyale told us to go to the advanced class!!  She warned me that I might get sent back down to the minors, unless Tim (Racer, not my Uncle Tim from the shelter) approved.  So I really had to step up my game!  I got into a lovely down-stay for Janet, and let her walk all around me and even step over me.  Then we went to the center of the area in two lines and greeted other handlers and dogs and I was PERFECT the whole class.  OK, almost.  When I was in a down-stay and Tim came over to distract me, I popped up two out of three times.  But was this test fair to me?  I think not.  The man keeps HOT DOGS in his pockets!!  What kind of sadistic dog-trainer would do that???  I thought I had the rest of the exercises nailed, but on the last greeting, the other dog got snarky so I got snarky back.  I won't even tell you what she said, 'cuz Janet will probably say "that's no excuse".  But---other than those two ever-so-tiny infractions---I was PERFECT.  And I do get to come back to Tim's class next week!

Bosco and I have had two more dates out in the country.  We now walk so close together that we can touch each others' sides with our noses.  At the end of the second walk, Janet and Bernie kept us on our leashes, but they let us have some private time.  We kissed---it was so romantic!  I think I could fall for him---he really knows how to treat a girl.  Sigh.......  Here we are watching turkeys together.  Or maybe deer.  At this point I don't know which is which.  But isn't this guy a HUNK???

Bill cut me a nice piece of carpet that covers the space where I'm supposed stay when we're traveling.  I quietly amused myself all the way to Berkeley today by chewing my Squeaky Kong into little pieces.  Janet says the back of her car has become "The Place Toys Go to Die." 

I have to admit it would be nice not to have to spend 90 minutes on the road before I have to do all that hard work in class.  So we went to watch a dog-training session this week at a school close to home.  We're doing a "drop-in" this week, so we'll see how that goes.  Of course we'll keep going to Bad Rap, but Janet seems to think I need more training.  I don't know why.


  1. Goodness, it's been another exciting week for Clover. Thanks for the updates!

  2. Wow, Clover you are doing great. I am so proud of you and your mom. I have to agree with you, Bosco is a hunk, the two of you make a great couple.

    It really does seem unfair that Tim resorted to hot dogs. : ( But I know you are up to the temptation. Keep up the good work.


  3. Oh Clover, I am so proud of you. Your mom has taken great patience with you and such great care of you. Now you have a handsome guy that you can have fun with! Maybe it was time for squeaky kong to go have a new life now and such manners. I love you Clover.
    Love, Auntie Ferne
