Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ya Gotta Have Friends!

Click here to listen to the Divine Miss M Singing this week's title theme!

On the way to Berkeley today, Janet told me I'd be seeing a special friend again.  Since I already knew I'd be seeing my buddies from Bad Rap, plus Amelia and my Uncle Tim from the shelter, I knew it had to be someone I hadn't seen since I got adopted.  While Janet was sitting on the bench and telling me to stop trying to pull her down the sidewalk cuz' I was bored, an SUV pulled up.  My nose told me before anyone even opened a door that it was my very own Auntie Ferne!    And she thought I wouldn't remember her----silly girl!  We had a wonderful scritching and jumping and wiggling and treating session before class started (I got ALL the treats, of course, which is as it should be).  I was so excited to see her!  I finally got to thank her for my Squeaky Kong, which remains my favorite toy.  I always look in Janet's bag for it when we go to the park if she gives me something else.  She doesn't seem to get that there's just NOTHING I like as much as that Squeaky Kong!

Because I spent time with Auntie Ferne, I wasn't the first one past the classroom gates like I usually am.  So my favorite spot under the tree had already been taken by that darn Reggie.  While Janet was talking to his handler, I laid down on the grass and stretched out like I was just relaxing and v e r y  v e r y  s l o w l y scooched closer and closer to him.  I thought I might be able to intimidate him and make him leave.  And it worked!  He barked and lunged at me, so of course I had to bark and lunge back.  After we both got scolded, Reggie's handler offered to move (YESSSS!!!)  I could not believe it when Janet said, "No thanks, our Miss Clover needs to learn that life is full of little disappointments."  Really?????  He gets my grassy spot in the shade and I get a lecture???  Whenever he was behind me in class today, he'd brag about it, too.  AND I overhead today that Amelia wrote on my shelter evaluation form that I was "bossy"....seriously---where does she get this stuff???

The new friends I made this week are Trudi and Alicia from All 4 Seasons Pet Services who will be walking and feeding me if Janet and Bill go out of town again.  They took me for a walk and said how well-behaved and how pretty I am.  So we already know they have great taste.  They had never seen a Squeaky Kong, and I was delighted to demonstrate it for them!

Bosco and I had two more walk-dates this week.  He's not used to all the cats and cars and people in my neighborhood, but I'm not used to the turkeys and deer in his.  So we both have to make some adjustments if this relationship is going anywhere.  I've always hung around with the bad boys---I'll admit that I'm a little out of my element.  Frankly, I'm not sure how to act around a real gentleman, but I'd like to learn!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Clover and Mama Janet...what a FANTASTIC way to start the day! I see my FAVORITE girl in the whole world and we have treats, kisses, tail wags, a little bit of jumping and lots of love. You look WONDERFUL Clover, your coat is so soft and beautiful. I love that you still look me, right in the eyes, and tell how happy you are with Mama Janet and Bill. Is it true that you really love Bill, now what's up with that????

    Thank you so much for spending time with me, even though you were late to class. I promise I will make it up to you!
    See you very very soon.
    Love, Auntie Ferne
